Compare AS9100D to ISO 9001:2015
AS9100 uses the ISO 9001 standard as a foundation for its requirements and adds certain requirements and notes throughout that are specific to the aviation, space, and defense industry. This makes transitioning from ISO 9001 to AS9100 simple. It is also possible to implement a QMS system that is compliant to both ISO 9001 and certify areas engaged in the aerospace industry to AS9100.

AS9100D = ISO 9001:2015 + IAQG Requirements
ISO 9001:2015 and AS9100 Rev D are both based on the high-level structure of Annex L, which creates a common framework for all ISO management systems. Annex L aligns the different management system standards, matches subclauses, and uses a common language, allowing for an easier transition.
Another great benefit of the revised standards is the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle, which can be applied to all processes (Clauses 4-10) and to the QMS as a whole.
Learn More: Annex L
Learn More: Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Cycle
What are the additional requirements of AS9100 Rev D compared to ISO 9001:2015?
When transitioning from ISO 9001 to AS9100, you will find the additional requirements for AS9100 in italics. There are many areas that have additional requirements, but the following are the largest differences between the two standards:
- Planning for Product Realization – This includes additional requirements for project management, risk management, configuration management of the products and control of work transfers. Risk identification and assessment are carried throughout the requirements of the standard as risk is critical for the aerospace industries.
- Purchasing and Purchased Product – This section contains many additional requirements regarding supplier control.
- Production and Service Provision – This topic has the most changes in AS9100. The reason is that this is the biggest difference from one industry to the other. The changes include production processes, as well as required controls on production equipment and support after delivery.
- Non-Conforming Process – AS9100 has more specific requirements on how to handle non-conformances and how to take action on processes and products, including what corrective actions need to take place if a nonconformance is found.
Learn More: AS9100 Rev D Requirements
Transitioning from ISO 9001:2015 to AS9100 Rev D does not have to be difficult. We have developed products to make it simple for you.
ISO 9001 to AS9100D QMS Upgrade Package – $357
Upgrade your ISO 9001:2015 QMS to AS9100 Rev D with this convenient upgrade package. This package includes instructions and the additional procedures and forms that you need in order to upgrade your quality system from ISO 9001:2015 to AS9100D. It is designed for the organization that has already implemented ISO 9001:2015 and is ready to upgrade to AS9100D.
ISO 9001 into AS9100 Rev D Internal Audit Checklist – $125
This checklist is based on the information provided in the 2016 revision of the AS 9100 Rev D SAE international aerospace standard. The checklist is best used by trained and practicing auditors to evaluate or assess Quality Management Systems requirements based on the standard. You will see questions on the checklist that refer to the standard and for each clause provisions are made for additional questions. This ISO 9001:2015 into AS9100 Rev D Internal Audit Checklist highlights the differences from ISO 9001 to AS9100D.
ISO 9001:2015 to AS9100 Rev D Gap Analysis Checklist – $69
Our gap analysis checklist is prepared for use in evaluating a Quality Management System (QMS) against the requirements of the new Aerospace standard. The AS 9100 Rev D standard includes the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and specifies additional aviation, space, and defense (ASD) industry requirements.
When transitioning from ISO 9001 to AS9100, it is important to remember that AS9100 was written and designed by the aerospace industry and is specific for use within this industry.